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TRY SWISS Gift cards already from1.7 euros per piece


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  • Plastic or Online Gift cards?


    Times are changing. People's habits and behavior are changing. Technology is advancing more and more, so today we cannot imagine life without a mobile phone. We no longer send letters by post, but send emails electronically. We type messages, correspond via viber and whats up, surf the internet and take pictures for social networks.

    All this has had a significant impact on the way people buy gifts. Today, we don't have to go to the store to choose a gift, we can also order it online. Although this possibility has made shopping much easier and searching for products is easier, is this also the case with the purchase of gift cards? The answer is negative. Namely, plastic gift cards, gift cards in their physical form, still have an incomparable advantage over their electronic relatives. Why this is so, we will see in the rest of the text.

    The gift effect

    The first thing that disappears when you switch from plastic to online gift cards is the magic. Literally. You simply lose the effect of the gift. We all love gifts, so even if we receive them by email, that's ok, but there is no such feeling of happiness as when someone puts a gift in our hands.

    Online gift cards are usually delivered via email. This makes them impersonal and easily forgotten. Among all the mail we receive every day, this will be just another extra email that can easily get lost and forgotten. We may not even open it. It might go to the spam folder. It may not even reach the email inbox due to some technical error.

    What happens in that case? The person who bought the online gift card must call the person to whom it is intended to check if it has arrived. If not, they have to ask for it by email. If it is not there, they will contact you who issued the card, etc... The end result is that the magic is gone. Even if everything goes right, it's just not the same experience.

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